
By placing an order with FIRSTDOTAI.COM, you automatically accept all of our terms of service, regardless of whether you read them or not. These terms are subject to change without notice, so it is recommended that you stay updated by reading them before placing an order. Our website must be used in accordance with the Terms of Service for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other social media sites. Please note that First Dotai rates may change at any time without notice and our payment/refund policy remains in effect in such cases. While we do our best to estimate delivery times for orders, this is only an approximation and we do not guarantee a specific delivery time. If you feel your order is taking too long to process, please note that we do not offer refunds for orders that are still in the processing stage. At FIRST DOTAI, we strive to meet our resellers' expectations and reserve the right to change a service type if necessary to fulfill an order.